Ok, let’s try and get a few more visitors to your tiny Island,
So you’ve just moved into a small village, no one knows you and likewise you know no one, you would like to take a step up the social ladder, get to know people and let them get to know you, up until recently they didn’t know of your existence nor you theirs.
Websites or Blogs have ratings based on a scale of 0 through 10, you can use this knowledge to your advantage.
For example if you link to a 100 sites with low ratings you won’t increase your ratings, however if you link to sites with high ratings you will be invited to the best party’s by the search engines.
You can’t just gate crash a party or in other words just attach yourself to another person’s site or Blog, you need an invite.
High ranking sites like Go Articles, Article Base, Enzine Articles (+100’s more) are high rated sites, and you have a free invite to join their party.
Providing you don’t get drunk and make a fool of yourself they’re glad for you to come to their party as often as you like, thus building yourself up quickly on the social ladder where you can invite others to your Island.
Be Warned !!! Read their terms and conditions, If you do get drunk and make a fool of yourself at one of their parties you will get yourself thrown out and not let back in.
Respect their rules , don’t blow your nose on the curtains or urinate in the Flower beds and you should be fine.
Nearly all of these sites are free to join and submit an article but if you want to feature it expect to pay.
Understand that these sites are free domain, anyone can take your article and use it for content on their site, it is courtesy to leave in the link to you and your Island as a way to show their appreciation, this in itself creates links to your page, the more popular your article, the more it will get used, the more links to your Blog the more visitors you will get, plus you will be recognized more by the search engines.
But again be Warned, some Article sites will allow you to paste your URL in the Auther Bio, others in the Article, either way you will get the credit for your writing.
However don’t make the same mistake I did, don’t paste your URL into the title. I got removed from a very good site because of it, and now am trying to beg my way back in.
Before Google even new I existed, I submitted 3 or4 articles to one particular site publisher, ie: xyzArticles, the very next day Google found me and ranked my blog top of page 1 out of only 10 sites found, In fact I was listed position 1,3 and 4.
Within a week, top of 32 sites, a week later, top of 1300, after just 5 weeks and people using my articles, translating them into several languages and pasting them on their sites I arrived at top spot, No:1 in 76,300 sites, yesterday I checked again and got top spot No:1 in 117,000.
Having now been removed from the site that more or less got me there I hope I can get back in before it effects my ratings.
Having now been removed from the site that more or less got me there I hope I can get back in before it effects my ratings.
Now don’t get me wrong top spot No:1 position out of 117,000 sites is small in comparison to the extent of cyberspace, but a good start for a Newby.
And all that just from 3 Articles….
Update, I've now managed to get back into the site, adjusted my Articles hopefully to their satisfaction and am reaping the benefits, Google search put me in top spot No1, Page 1 out of 29,500 000 sites.
Update Try Google with "free ultimate super tips" leave out the speech marks, top of page 1 out of 31 800 000 sites.
Update Try Google with "free amazing super tips" leave out the speech marks, top of page 1 out of 138 000 000
Creating Links.
I suppose by now maybe you should know how to create a link, so I’ll tell you,
I am assuming you are typing your post into the Postings box selected from the Dash board of your blog at Blogspot.com, your blog host, well let’s put it this way you should be if you are using my instructions from the page “How to add content to your Blog”
Remember I explained the box where you type in your post is a little like Microsoft Word but a little simpler, I recommend you played around with it to figure out it’s functions.
About half way across the tool bar you will see the tool “Link”, if you want you can make ANY word in your typed article into a link, drag the mouse over the word and highlight it, click on “Link” button and a pop up window will appear, type the link address you wish to link to into the box “To what URL should this link go?” and click the “OK button.
Likewise if you type in a URL like http://yourlink.blogspot.com/ and click the “link” button it will create the link automatically because the HTML code used in creating the Blog Template recognizes it as a URL.
Whilst you were in the box that created a link from ANY chosen word maybe you noticed the button to change the link to an e-mail address. This option can be used in the same way except it directs the clicks from the chosen word to an e-mail page, that is of course if you typed your e-mail address into the box and clicked OK.
So now anyone reading your post on your Blog clicks on the link it will immediately take them to the link you specified. The same goes for published Articles submitted to xyzArticles. This is how you create links to your Blog (your back links).
I hope that wasn’t too complicated for you…..
So now we’ve got a little further, you’ve hopefully begun to be recognized by Search Engines and you’ve learned how to create back links to your little Island.
Hopefully soon we can add some Affiliate links and a few ad’s, and turn it into Treasure Island…..
Commonly known as monetizing your Blog can be done in several ways but first let’s get familiar with your blog…..
Open up to the dashboard page and select “Layout”
The page shows quite a few places where it says “Add a Gadget” if you click the one on the right at the top (the smaller ones not the longer ones at the top) it will open an “Add a Gadget” Window, scroll through to view the options. Just to familiarize yourself with some of its features.
Let’s try something simple to get you going…
Scrolling down you will see HTML/JavaScript Add third-party functionality or other code to your blog.
Click on the little image and it will open a new window, in this case leave the “title” box empty and go directly to the content box below I have retrieved some HTML code from http://labnol.blogspot.com/
Copy and paste this code into the content box and click save, the orange button at the bottom right below the content box.
Here is the code…..
.<form action="http://www.google.com/translate" >
<script language="JavaScript">
document.write ("<input name=u value="+location.href+" type=hidden>")
// -->
<input name="hl" value="en" type="hidden">
<input name="ie" value="UTF8" type="hidden">
<input name="langpair" value="" type="hidden">
<input name="langpair" value="en|fr" title="French" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/43/1633/320/13539949_e76af75976.jpg" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30">
<input name="langpair" value="en|de" title="German" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/43/1633/320/13539933_041ca1eda2.jpg" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30">
<input name="langpair" value="en|it" title="Italian" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/43/1633/320/13539953_0384ccecf9.jpg" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30">
<input name="langpair" value="en|pt" title="Portuguese" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/43/1633/320/13539966_0d09b410b5.jpg" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30">
<input name="langpair" value="en|es" title="Spanish" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/43/1633/320/13539946_2fabed0dbf.jpg" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30">
<input name="langpair" value="en|ja" title="Japanese" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/43/1633/320/13539955_925e6683c8.jpg" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30">
<input name="langpair" value="en|ko" title="Korean" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/43/1633/320/13539958_3c3b482c95.jpg" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30">
<input name="langpair" value="en|zh-CN" title="Chinese Simplified" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/43/1633/320/14324441_5ca5ce3423.jpg" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30">
<input name="langpair2" value="en|ar" title="Arabic" src= "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3709/485/1600/arabic-flag.gif" onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" height="20" type="image" width="30" />
Now you’ve saved, go to “View Blog” and take a look… on the right hand side top you have just installed a universal translator, this now gives non English speaking or rather non English reading people the choice to view your posts in their own language.
Just how simple was that, eh?......
If you decide this isn’t something you may benefit from, no problem, go back to the “Dashboard” Click “Edit” on the same box as before (it should read HTML/Java Script) a new window (configure HTML/Java Script) will open, click the blue box “Remove” you will then be prompted by another box asking “If you are sure you want to remove this element” click OK, and Hey presto its now gone.
It doesn’t get any easier than that, eh…..
Ok. Time to press on but first, I’d like to point out if you need to contact me regarding questions, you can either post a comment or I’ll try to respond to your e-mail, However I would be delighted if you would sign up to become a follower of this site, this will allow me to get to know you on a more personal level.
I hate Spam just as much as the rest of us so therefore I promise I will not share your details with anyone else however if you display them publicly understand that I take no responsibility.
Just scroll down the page and click the “Follow” Button, you can sign in using your Google account, the one automatically created when you joined Blogspot;com.
Ok, Back on the “Dashboard” like before select “Layout” If you kept the translator then click on the “Add a Gadget” next to it (preferably below) if you got rid of the translator click on the “Add a Gadget” where it used to be.
This will again open the “Add a Gadget window” scroll down to “AdSense” and click the image, there you can adjust the colour of the ad template, below you will see your Google AdSense code, this is the code used to credit you for the money earned by people clicking on your ads.
If you click “save” and go back to view your blog you will most likely see public service Ad’s, It can take time for Google to review your blog and place Ad’s that correspond.
I personally prefer to use a different service, Bidvertizer but it’s your choice.
My reasons are that you get to choose the ad’s you approve and reject the ones you don’t, Google, as far as I am aware do not offer that choice.
I hate ad’s for online gambling and things like that, Bidvertiser give the choice to reject that type of ad.
In addition Bidvertiser offer a chance to become an affiliate, and pay you for referrals, also if you are successful enough to get to the top in your field advertisers will bid against each other offering a good price (pay per click) to win the advertising space on your site.
I will include the link to Bidvertiser, after that the choice is yours, they will give you the HTML code to paste into the HTML/Java Script box the same as the Translator, but this time you could fill in the “Title” box if you want.
· Do not click on your own ad’s
· Do not encourage or prompt others to click on the ad’s
· Do not tell your friends to click on the ad’s
· Clicking on ad’s is your visitors Free choice, you may not influence their choice in any way.
If Bidvertiser suspect clicks on ad’s are coming from non genuine source they will disallow the commission for the clicks and may cancel your account.
When you sign up (Free) choose the publisher option not the advertising option
http://www.bidvertiser.com/bdv/BidVertiser/Join_Form.dbm?serv=Bidvertiser&sn=publisher The Bidvertiser Link "Monitize your Website" is also on this page if you want to take the short cut. Its up to You !
Prior to joining Budvertiser you will need a Paypal account in order to receive your commission.
You can sign up at https://www.paypal.com/uk?sid=Il4WaA this is the UK site so if you are not from the UK search Google for the relevant site. This is a Free sign up, however they will charge commission on transitions.
Another one you could try if you want is Clix Sense, they also give the choice to edit ad's and pay per click.
In addition after the Free Sign up you have a chance to sell them advertising space on your site,
I Recommend you start out with a low monthly rate and low price on Pay Per Click, don't frighten them away by being greedy, build up as time goes by. The other great thing is they give you the chance to earn by viewing adverts, again slow to build up but it can generate income. Again the choice is yours ! The link is on this page, again the choice is yours !
Link Referral is another way to generate traffic to your site, with the Free join up, you get the chance to view other people's sites, leave comments, join Forums and add your URL with a biography, you earn credits which guarantee's you get traffic and reviews to your site. The Link is on this Site. Again it's your choice.
Just remember to add any of the sites you join into your Bookmark's so you can access them quickly in the future. Also keep the confirmation e-mail, It will contain your Login and password Details.
Until the next lesson, enjoy experimenting, don't stress, take it handy, and if you have any probs leave a comment or drop me an e-mail.
Another one you could try if you want is Clix Sense, they also give the choice to edit ad's and pay per click.
In addition after the Free Sign up you have a chance to sell them advertising space on your site,
I Recommend you start out with a low monthly rate and low price on Pay Per Click, don't frighten them away by being greedy, build up as time goes by. The other great thing is they give you the chance to earn by viewing adverts, again slow to build up but it can generate income. Again the choice is yours ! The link is on this page, again the choice is yours !
Link Referral is another way to generate traffic to your site, with the Free join up, you get the chance to view other people's sites, leave comments, join Forums and add your URL with a biography, you earn credits which guarantee's you get traffic and reviews to your site. The Link is on this Site. Again it's your choice.
Just remember to add any of the sites you join into your Bookmark's so you can access them quickly in the future. Also keep the confirmation e-mail, It will contain your Login and password Details.
Until the next lesson, enjoy experimenting, don't stress, take it handy, and if you have any probs leave a comment or drop me an e-mail.