SCAM Update: I received this E-mail this morning 28:04:10
On 28 April 2010 12:48,
Hi members
Please don't invest in HYIFund.
I lost some money there.
After few payments site stopped paying and owners don't answear to support ticket.
SCAM !!!!!
Best regards Admin
SCAM UPDATE: Read this page and then forget all what you read, My Honest advice, Iv'e come to the conclusion that there is NOTHING on the Internet Honest where making money is concerned. The system below, Iv'e been using it to earn what I call Penny clicks. The Click sites often keep changing the rules, for example everyone is clicking to make money so a lot of sites have now changed the rules so that you must subscribe (part with money) in order to be paid, also you have to verify you've been paid by publishing it on their Forum. Thus telling everyone what a wonderful site it is, B.S, you've done the work clicking on the ad's, you are entitled to your hard earned.
Three of the sites I have earned money with have been suspended, thus they no longer exist, taking my earnings with them when they vanish off the face of the earth,
Are all these sites the same? you decide, If you want to take the risk.
Ok Here’s a little bonus Twist for you to use to create traffic…and you might even make a few bucks in the bargain.
There are many sites on the net that pay you to click on their ads, you just need to view them for 30 seconds then they credit you for your viewing, sometimes in points but more often in money. (sometimes up to 2 cents a viewing but often less).
Decent money can be earned from these sites however it relies on 2 things,
1. You have to become a member (sign up) usually there are options, a Free sign up with pay up grades, normally quite cheap.
2. You have to build a pyramid by referrals, ie; you refer 5 people or more, they refer 5 each and so on, each time members of your pyramid clicks an advert you are credited with a small percentage of their click, thus making money from other peoples efforts, that’s how the system works.
Obviously building the pyramid can take a considerable amount of time. That depends on the individual and the amount of effort you are prepared to put in...
You also have the option of paying directly for people to click on your advert (which they then view for 30 seconds).
Depending on the “Ad Click” site, paying for people to click to view your ad is usually quite cheap.
This will generate traffic to your site but I recommend that you build a very short mini site promoting and linking to your Blog, these visitors will not usually be inclined to read all of your Blog in a 30 second time frame, and in reality most of them are there to earn their “penny clicks”.
The way I operate which is in itself is the Twist, I use the “penny clicks or the points system” not to generate income but to pay for an advert of MY Mini Site which in turn links too and promotes my Blog.
If you have no referrals below you in your pyramid, you can still earn enough to promote ad’s to your Mini Site in a reasonable time, although it can get a little tedious.
The more Sites you join the more ad’s you can display, the more possible hits to your Blog…
Like I’ve said many times before if your site has good content and the visitor has something to gain they will stay or even return, that’s Your main priority, GOOD CONTENT.
The Mini Site advert needs to be quick to the point, interesting, appetizing, and most importantly promoting the idea to the visitor that he or she bookmarks the page so he or she can come back and review it later, after all quite often he or she is there normally just to earn money from clicking the ad’s and possibly doesn’t pay a lot of attention to the content of the ad but just waits until the 30 seconds has passed, claims the credit and goes on to the next advert.
Below I have Listed a number of “Ad Click” sites that I use, feel free to click the links and use them for the same purpose or even use them to create an Income, that’s your choice…If possible I recommend you include something similar on your site in order to try and generate the referrals, thus creating your own pyramid.
Each site will give you the HTML code you can copy and paste into your site in the form of a banner or a button.
After sign up you can start to earn money usually 1cent at a time, just click “view ad’s” or the “earn money” link, after you’ve finished go to “my account” and you will see your balance.
To start your referrals pyramid go to “Affiliate links” chose the type of banner or button you would like to see on your Blog, copy the HTML code and paste it in your blog where ever you choose.
Just for those who don’t see the Twist, by placing affiliate links to these "Ad Click" sites on your Blog you are heading towards creating a money generating pyramid, those who click your banner or button and sign up are earning you money so that you can gain more traffic for more people to click your banner or button and get even more people to sign up thus creating more money for you and so on and on and on….you hopefully will soon see enough people in your pyramid to continually pay for your advert and cash in on the surplus.
Don’t forget you will still need to participate in clicking to view the adverts but your efforts will become less and less depending on the amount of people in your pyramid...
Of course by clicking the links below and signing up to create traffic You are helping me build MY pyramid…. Why am I telling you this???
Because I’m honest,
Not just that but all the Free info is hopefully helping you on your way to success, so don’t be mean and not help me on my way to success….Because later I’m going to give you the chance to link to my Blog thus hopefully creating you more traffic, that is if you want to…
In fact there’s one way you can do this Rite Now if you want to, just sign up and become a Follower of my Blog, don’t forget to include your URL.